Research Projects

CraNE (Joint Action)

Network of Comprehensive Cancer Centres: Preparatory activities on creation of National CCCs and EU Networking

EU4H-2021-JA-03 CraNE
Subcontractor to the Oslo University Hospital

Project summary

The CraNE Joint Action is the answer to the flagship number 5 of the Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan, which defines that the European Commission will establish by 2025, an EU Network linking recognised National Comprehensive Cancer Centres (CCCs) in every Member State. In order to facilitate the establishment of such an EU Network, CraNE will prepare the necessary preconditions, administrative, professional, and those related to high-quality performance. This is necessary to facilitate both the integration of the existing CCCs as well as to support the Member States who still need to develop and certify such centres. The CraNE JA will also provide an assessment on sustainability and feasibility as well as link the development of an EU Network of CCCs and CCCs in individual Member States to the development of national and regional CCCNs. This way, the existing organisational and functional models of cancer care will be taken into account and incorporated into the proposed solution.

Project outputs
CraNE Joint Action “The newest European project in the field of cancer - final for dissemination”
CraNE Joint Action “Newsletter”

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