Enhancing Patients Involvement in Cancer Care and Research EPIC-CARE WG

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Delia Nicoară

The OECI EPIC-CARE Working Group aims to promote meaningful collaboration between cancer patient organisations and Comprehensive Cancer Centres (CCCs) and Cancer Centres (CCs), to ensure patient perspectives on cancer care are integrated into CCC activities and to foster active patient involvement in cancer research.

The WG mission extends to a comprehensive approach that encompasses cancer prevention, cancer care delivery, cancer patient pathway, survivorship care, rehabilitation, research, rare cancers, and the empowerment of patients to actively participate in their care and in cancer research.
Through these interconnected aspects, we are committed to ensuring that the patient voice resonates throughout all stages of cancer care and research, creating a unified and patient-centric landscape that maximizes the potential for improved patient outcomes and enhanced overall well-being.

The Working Group (WG) plays a pivotal role in ensuring seamless collaboration among all EU-funded projects and Joint Actions, in which OECI is involved or coordinates, including Joint Action on Networks of Excellence (JANE), CRANE, CCI4EU, and UNCAN.eu, fostering a unified and synergistic approach towards advancing patient empowerment, cancer care, and Quality of Life.

The scope of the WG encompasses the following key areas:

  • The WG facilitates meaningful collaboration between OECI-accredited cancer centres and cancer patient organizations, promoting mutual understanding and shared goals.
  • Recognizing the importance of localized approaches, the WG encourages the establishment of local antennas among CCCs and/or CCs and cancer patient organisations to drive collaboration, tailoring initiatives to the specific needs and priorities of different regions.
  • The WG aims to empower cancer patients and their families by providing access to accurate information, resources, and educational opportunities that enhance their understanding of cancer primary and tertiary prevention, cancer care, treatment options, and support services.
  • The WG actively promotes the involvement of cancer patients in research activities, including clinical trials and research projects, ensuring that patient perspectives influence research design, implementation, and outcomes.
  • The WG supports through the OECI the growth and development of cancer patient organizations by providing training, resources, and guidance.

For further information please contact: oeci@oeci.eu

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©2024 OECI-EEIG Organisation of European Cancer Institutes – European Economic Interest Grouping
c/o Fondation Universitaire, Rue d’Egmont 11, B-1000 Brussels, Belgium
Registre des Personnes Morales n. 0473647634
www.oeci.eu - oeci@oeci.eu

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