The OECI Network

Members in Belgium

Institut Jules Bordet (IJB)
ID: 19 Full Member
Institut Jules Bordet (IJB)
90, rue Meylemeersch
1070 Anderlecht (Brussels)

General Director:
Mr Francis de Drée
Medical Director:
Prof. Dirk Van Gestel
Dr Chloe Spilleboudt
OECI contact person:
Dr Jean-Benoît Burrion
Head of Prevention and Screening Clinic

Kortrijk Kankercentrum AZ Groeninge
Kortrijk Cancer Centre AZ Groeninge ID: 89 Full Member
Kortrijk Kankercentrum AZ Groeninge
Pres. Kennedylaan 4
8500 Kortrijk

General Director:
Mrs Inge Buyse
Medical Director:
Dr Serge Vanderschueren
Director of patient care:
Mrs Petra Archie
OECI contact persons:
Mrs Melissa Defreyne
Head of department Kortrijk Kankercentrum

Mrs Annelies Courtens
Clinical nurse specialist oncology

Dr Philip Debruyne
Lead Clinician Medical Oncology Dept.

Leuven Kankerinstituut (LKI)
Leuven Cancer Institute ID: 138 Full Member
Leuven Kankerinstituut (LKI)
Herestraat 49
3000 Leuven

General Director:
Prof. Dr Wim Robberecht
Medical Director:
Prof. Dr Gert Van Assche
Scientific Director:
Prof. Dr Johan Van Lint
Quality Director:
Prof. Dr Dirk De Ridder
Coordinator Leuven Cancer Institute:
Prof. Dr Michel Delforge
OECI contact person:
Mrs Evy Lobbestael
Operations manager LKI

Oncologisch Centrum UZBrussel
Brussels Cancer Centre - Centre du Cancer Bruxelles ID: 5 Full Member
Oncologisch Centrum UZBrussel
Laarbeeklaan 101
1090 Brussels

General Director:
Prof. Dr Marc Noppen
Medical Director:
Prof. Dr Mark De Ridder
Scientific Director:
Prof. Karin Vanderkerken
OECI contact person:
Prof. Dr Mark De Ridder
Head of Radiotherapy department

UZ Gent
ID: 181 Full Member
UZ Gent
Corneel Heymanslaan 10
9000 Ghent

Executive Director:
Prof. Dr Eric Mortier
Cancer Center coordinator:
Prof. Dr Gwen Sys
Head Nurse:
Dr Johan De Munter

Institut Roi Albert II
Cliniques universitaires Saint-Luc

King Albert II Cancer Institute ID: 71A Associate Member
Institut Roi Albert II Cliniques universitaires Saint-Luc
Av. Hippocrate 10
1200 Brussels

General Director CEO:
Prof. Renaud Mazy
Chairman of the executive board of directors:
Prof. J.- P. Machiels
Member of the executive board of directors:
Prof. B. Brichard
Prof. E. Coche
Prof. X. Geets
Prof. C. Hermans
Prof. D. Léonard
OECI contact person:
Mrs Sandrine De Cuyper
Administrative assistant

©2024 OECI-EEIG Organisation of European Cancer Institutes – European Economic Interest Grouping
c/o Fondation Universitaire, Rue d’Egmont 11, B-1000 Brussels, Belgium
Registre des Personnes Morales n. 0473647634 -

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