Presentation of the Institute and history
The Cancer Institute AP-HP. Nord – Université Paris Cité is a joint venture between 7 University hospitals of Université Paris Cité, all located in the north of Great Paris area: Saint-Louis, Bichat, Beaujon, Robert-Debré, Lariboisière, Louis-Mourier and Bretonneau. They gathered their forces in all oncology fields, developing reference activities in bone marrow transplantation, cell-therapies (CAR-T) and early phase clinical trials, to provide high-level cancer care and research, as a heritage of Nobel Prize winner Prof. Jean Dausset, the discoverer of the Major Histocompatibility Complex.
Main Research Activities
The Cancer Institute AP-HP. Nord – Université Paris Cité gathers 13 basic research teams and 25 clinical teams participating to a rich translational and basic science research activity in oncology, dedicated to hematological malignancies, cell therapy (Saint-Louis Research Institute), and solid cancers (Research Center on Inflammation), with the rise of targeted therapies and immunotherapy, based on the use of genomics biomarkers, cell biology platforms, bio-banking, and innovative imaging techniques. Moreover, our research activity builds on the strengths of the recently granted SIRIC InsiTu, SIRIC Paris Kids Cancer and IHU THEMA-2.
Core facilities
The Cancer Institute AP-HP. Nord – Université Paris Cité relies on outstanding facilities including 94 operating rooms - including 5 surgical ambulatory rooms, 2 PET- CT, 2 PET- SCAN, 1 PET-MRI, 11 MRI, 8 gama-cameras of which 2 coupled with CT-scan, 14 scanners, 7 bronchial and digestive endoscopy wards, 7 surgical robots. The radiotherapy department covers most of the modern radiotherapy techniques. The Meary cell-therapy Center at Saint-Louis Hospital is the most important facility in France for manufacturing CART-cells, while bone marrow transplantation activity is the greatest in Paris area, and beyond, in France.
The Medicine Education and Research Unit, Faculty of Health of Université Paris Cité makes transformation and educational innovation its priority at all stages of training. Several PhD programs in cancer are coordinated by the Université Paris Cité hospitals and basic science research units.